From Fantasia 2024 : «This Man»

A menace from beyond the realm of the living seems to be behind the grizzly murders that are increasingly taking place in several places in Japan. A couple of detectives trying to stop this apparent epidemic started to note a pattern: most of the victims were under psychological care, and before their demise, they were claiming to have recurring nightmares where a very particular-looking man was trying to kill them.

A happy couple that feels blessed with their daughter and a life free of worries, have their world shaken when close friends of the mother share that they also have recently seen in their dreams “This Man” (as has been described in the media), and fear that their death is approaching. Is this a case of mass hysteria, or is this an omen that humanity itself has its days numbered?

I was very interested in the plot of “This Man”, the new film from Tomojiro Amano that was screened in Fantasia 2024. I was glad that I was not disappointed. While I felt that this production did not have a big budget behind it, the story was very well developed and made very good use of the special effects with the resources available.

The characters were very likable and therefore you worry a lot when you see the misfortune starts to fall on them. (Although at the beginning of the film, I felt I was about to have a diabetic coma due to so much sweetness in the marriage mentioned before). Even when the film is not gory or very graphic, some moments might make you feel uneasy and the film surprises you by showing you that anybody can die in this story. Films like these, are the ones I enjoy the most. Continue reading

Desde Fantasia 2024 : «This Man»

Una amenaza que viene más allá del reino de los vivos parece estar detrás de los brutales asesinatos que están ocurriendo en aumento en varios lugares de Japón. El par de detectives que intenta detener esta bizarra epidemia de muertes notan un patrón: La mayoría de las victimas en algún momento eran atendidas por problemas psicológicos , y poco antes de sus muertes, aseguraban tener pesadillas donde un hombre de aspecto muy particular los trataba de asesinar.

Una pareja de casados que que vienen una aparente vida sin preocupaciones y que se sentían bendecidos por su hija, ven como su mundo se empieza a desmoronar cuando unas amigas de la madre le comparten que ellas también han visto en sus pesadillas a “Este Hombre” (que es como se la ha empezado a llamar por los medios), y ahora temen que sus muertes están cerca. ¿es esto un caso de histeria colectiva, o una advertencia de que la humanidad misma tiene sus días contados?

Desde el principio me atrajo mucho la premisa de “This Man”, el nuevo filme del director Tomojiro Amano, que fue presentado anoche en Fantasia 2024. Me dio gusto ver que no quedé para nada decepcionado, Mientras que sentí que esta producción no tenia mucho presupuesto detrás, la historia estuvo muy bien desarrollada y le sacó muy buen provecho a los efectos especiales y los recursos que tuvieron a la mano.

Los personajes principales me parecieron interesantes y con los que puedes empatizar, por tanto cuando empiezan a ocurrirles desgracias llegas a preocuparte por ellos. (aunque al principio del filme sentí que iba a tener un coma diabético por tanta dulzura de el matrimonio que mencioné antes). Aun y cuando el filme no es tiene mucha violencia gráfica ni hay reguero de entrañas, si hay momentos que pueden hacerte sentir mu incomodo y el filme te sorprende cuando deja muy claro que aquí cualquiera de los personajes se puede morir. Este tipo de filmes son mis favoritos (Venga el Factor Kosnar!!!). Continue reading

From Fantasia 2024 : «Hell Is a Teenage Girl»

I rarely review shorts (I just mostly recommend them). However, this Fantasia 2024, I saw several synopses that got my interest and made me think: “Why the hell not??” The first one to draw blood is “Hell is a Teenage Girl”, written and directed by Stephen Sawchuk.

I want to cut to the chase, so let me copy/paste the official synopsis and jump to the best stuff!

Every Halloween, the small town of Springboro is terrorized by its resident SLASHER – a masked serial killer who targets sinful teenagers that break ‘The Rules of Horror’ – don’t drink, don’t do drugs, and don’t have sex! At the center of it all is Parker Campbell, the Slasher’s estranged biological daughter. In an attempt to clear her name and make things right with the town, Parker sets out on a life-or-death mission in hopes of ending his reign of terror once and for all…


Let’s dig in!

I really liked this short. And I was surprised that it went for a serious route, when I am sure that other directors would take a comedic route, if not plain parody.  This is a straight-up Slasher, and a good one at that!

Being only 15 minutes, it is understandable that a lot of background information could not be explained, but I think Stephen Sawchuk gave us all the information that we needed to understand Parker and her struggles. She is very likable, and it was cool to see that even when her life is a social living hell, she is not bitter at the whole world and nor wants to see it burn. 

If anything, she wants to see only her father burn. 

I think this could be expanded into a full feature, but it would need a lot of caution to not pad the plot with useless fillers or exposition. It would be tricky, but I am sure that we could see some moments of the original massacre that started the whole thing, without stealing the spotlight from Parker’s story.  Continue reading

The not 5, not 10, but 11 Films we really want to see from Fantasia 2024!

Hello there!

Is that time again! One of my favorite film festivals, Fantasia International Film Festival is taking place in Montreal Quebec from July 18th to August 4th, and we have the opportunity to do some remote coverage.

As always, every time time I see the list of films that will be presented in a film festival, I feel like a kid in a candy store (you know what I mean, don’t make it weird!) but Alas, we don’t know which films we will be able to see remotely, so here is a list of the films I would definitely love to see.

For simplicity purposes I just pasted the official synopsis from the official website, and I’ll give you some of my thoughts of WHY I want to see them,

Please note that this list was NOT made in any particular order, and you can see the whole list of the films here.

Let’s dive in!!

Shelby Oaks

Director: Chris Stuckmann

“Who took Riley Brennan? That’s the question asked by millions of devoted, even obsessed fans of the popular YouTube series Paranormal Paranoids, which ceased production when Brennan and her three co-hosts disappeared near the deserted town of Shelby Oaks, Ohio in 2008. Conspiracy theories have run rampant over the years, but none are more determined to get to the truth than Riley’s sister, Mia (Camille Sullivan), who has finally agreed to telling Riley’s story to a documentary film crew (Emily Bennett and Rob Grant) in the hopes of finding closure. Closure, however, refuses to be found as a series of shocking events opens the door to a deeper mystery surrounding Riley, one that leads Mia to follow her ghost-hunting sister’s footsteps down a path to confront demons of the past and get answers that can only be found somewhere within the darkness of Shelby Oaks.”

Chris Stuckmann was one of my favorites you tubers that reviewed films and made several studies about the film industry that are to me “A must watch”. He is at the moment unfairly under fire in the community. Mostly because shortly after he announced that he would try to make his own film, he stated that he would no longer review any film that he did not enjoy, and just focus on the “positive side” of the films he liked.

This later announcement was done on a video where everybody was expecting his review of “Madame Web” (a film pretty much hated by the audience) and he decided instead to speak about how certain people in the studio system interfered with the directors and writers vision.

I can see his point, and I am actually rooting for him on his debut film as a director, I just think that his decision to not talk bad about movies was a little bit of a cop out, when before he had no problems speaking his mind and throw trash where was deserved. He was not a jerk at any time, and I don’t think he deserve the hate.

I hope he does great,

Moving on…

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FTS #90- 11 Filmes Que Queremos Ver SI o SI, de Fantasia 2024! (podcast)

En esta trasmisión especial y express, hablamos de 11 Filmes que queremos ver SI o SI de Fantasia 2024.

Este es un genial festival de cine internacional que se llevará a cabo e Montereal, Quebec del 18 de Julio al 4 de Agosto.

Y tendremos la oportunidad de cubrir algunos de los filmes que se exhibirán ahi!!

Lleguenle sin miedo!

El podcast también está disponible en Ivoox, Spotify, Apple podcast, Google Podcast y más lugares escabrosos, lleguenle sin miedo!

Como siempre, esperamos que este episodio les guste, y de paso les dejamos las vías de contagio:

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FTS #90- 11 Filmes Que Queremos Ver SI o SI, de Fantasia 2024! (Video)

En esta trasmisión especial y express, hablamos de 11 Filmes que queremos ver SI o SI de Fantasia 2024.

Este es un genial festival de cine internacional que se llevará a cabo e Montereal, Quebec del 18 de Julio al 4 de Agosto.

Y tendremos la oportunidad de cubrir algunos de los filmes que se exhibirán ahi!!

Lleguenle sin miedo!

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Going to Fantasia 2018? These are some films we are excited to see!

In less that TWO days, The Fantasia International Film Festival, one of the coolest places to be if you are a film lover (As we know you are) will begin its 2018 edition, and while we might not be there in person, there are several films that got us excited since they were announced.

Here a list of SOME of the films that either we would love to see or we have seen and recommend you to watch:

(please note that the main synopsis is taken from the official Fantasia International Film Festival)

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Desde Fantasia 2017: «Attraction»

Esperando ver el espectáculo natural de una tormenta de meteoritos, la gente de Moscú recibe una visita inesperada: Una nave extraterrestre y con ella la prueba de que la humanidad no es la única vida inteligente en el universo.

Sufriendo un accidente a causa de la lluvia de meteoritos, la nave extraterrestre entra a la atmósfera terrestre y es derribada por la milicia de Rusia, quien deciden aplicar la de «Dispara primero, averigua después» dejando en claro que el pueblo ruso no es tan distinto a su contraparte norte-americana. El aterrizaje forzado ocasiona la destrucción de muchos edificios, y la muerte de un gran numero de personas, pero a la población se le oculta la información de quien fue responsable del desastre, por lo que la gente se empieza a manifestar en protesta cuando el gobierno ruso logra hacer contacto con los ocupantes de la nave y deciden dejarlos solos para que puedan hacer sus reparaciones y volver al espacio.

Yulya, la hija de el Coronel encargado de la recién impuesta ley marcial, decide entrar en la zona donde ocurrió el desastre, junto con su novio Artyom y sus amigos, buscando respuestas sobre los extraterrestres. Esta escapada lleva al enfrentamiento con un extraterrestre, donde Artyom acaba llevándose una armadura de combate alienigena. Yulya por su lado, se encuentra con el ocupante de la nave y decide ayudarlo a recuperar una poderosa fuente de energía que la milicia ha tomado y podría poner en riesgo la vida de todas las personas de la ciudad, al tiempo que mucha gente en las calles, empieza a organizar protestas cada vez mas violentas contra los extraterrestres, creyendo que son los culpables de su desgracia.

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From Fantasia 2017: «Tragedy Girls»

Many seek fame through video blogs and social networks, but one of the best ways to succeed in the media is to talk about what you are passionate about and/or what you know best, in the case of Sadie and McKayla, that theme would be real-life serial killers. How much do they know about it? More than enough to capture a real serial killer, try to convince him to be their mentor and to help them to create a new bloody legend in their little sleepy town.

Because #Ratings

To the girls’ dismay, apparently getting lot likes and subscribers is not that easy when you are not releasing raunchy pictures, and after seeing that a couple of deaths that should gain more views for their blog are just dismissed by the community as freak accidents, the duo decides to step up their murders, specially when other people for one reason or another end up stealing the spotlight that Sadie and McKayla believe their project deserves. This starts to look suspicious to Jake, Sadie’s best friend (zoned) that also by an amazing coincidence is the sheriff’s son and the editor for the girls’ project.

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Desde Fantasia 2017: «Tragedy Girls»

Muchos buscan la fama a través de video blogs y redes sociales, pero para tener éxito en estos medios muchas veces es mejor hablar de lo que mas te apasiona y/o de lo que mejor conoces, en el caso de Sadie Y McKayla, el tema serian los asesinos seriales de la vida real. ¿Que tanto saben del tema? Lo suficiente como para atrapar a un verdadero asesino serial y tratar de convencerlo para que sea su mentor y les ayude crear una nueva leyenda de terror y sangre en su adormecida ciudad.


Pues Porque #Ratings

Para sorpresa de las jóvenes, el conseguir likes y suscriptores no es tan fácil si no quieres aflojar el pack, y después de un par de difuntitos que deberían darle mas notoriedad a su video blog (#Tragedygirls), pero que son ignorados por la comunidad y tomados como simples «accidentes bizarros», el dúo maniático decide subirle la intensidad a sus asesinatos, en especial cuando otras personas por una razón u otra acaban acaparando la atención que Sadie y McKayla creen que su proyecto merece. Esto empieza a causar las sospechas de Jake, el mejor amigo (friendzoneado) de Sadie, quien por pura conveniente casualidad también es el hijo del sheriff del pueblo, y el editor de los videos de las chicas.

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