The not 5, not 10, but 11 Films we really want to see from Fantasia 2024!

Hello there!

Is that time again! One of my favorite film festivals, Fantasia International Film Festival is taking place in Montreal Quebec from July 18th to August 4th, and we have the opportunity to do some remote coverage.

As always, every time time I see the list of films that will be presented in a film festival, I feel like a kid in a candy store (you know what I mean, don’t make it weird!) but Alas, we don’t know which films we will be able to see remotely, so here is a list of the films I would definitely love to see.

For simplicity purposes I just pasted the official synopsis from the official website, and I’ll give you some of my thoughts of WHY I want to see them,

Please note that this list was NOT made in any particular order, and you can see the whole list of the films here.

Let’s dive in!!

Shelby Oaks

Director: Chris Stuckmann

“Who took Riley Brennan? That’s the question asked by millions of devoted, even obsessed fans of the popular YouTube series Paranormal Paranoids, which ceased production when Brennan and her three co-hosts disappeared near the deserted town of Shelby Oaks, Ohio in 2008. Conspiracy theories have run rampant over the years, but none are more determined to get to the truth than Riley’s sister, Mia (Camille Sullivan), who has finally agreed to telling Riley’s story to a documentary film crew (Emily Bennett and Rob Grant) in the hopes of finding closure. Closure, however, refuses to be found as a series of shocking events opens the door to a deeper mystery surrounding Riley, one that leads Mia to follow her ghost-hunting sister’s footsteps down a path to confront demons of the past and get answers that can only be found somewhere within the darkness of Shelby Oaks.”

Chris Stuckmann was one of my favorites you tubers that reviewed films and made several studies about the film industry that are to me “A must watch”. He is at the moment unfairly under fire in the community. Mostly because shortly after he announced that he would try to make his own film, he stated that he would no longer review any film that he did not enjoy, and just focus on the “positive side” of the films he liked.

This later announcement was done on a video where everybody was expecting his review of “Madame Web” (a film pretty much hated by the audience) and he decided instead to speak about how certain people in the studio system interfered with the directors and writers vision.

I can see his point, and I am actually rooting for him on his debut film as a director, I just think that his decision to not talk bad about movies was a little bit of a cop out, when before he had no problems speaking his mind and throw trash where was deserved. He was not a jerk at any time, and I don’t think he deserve the hate.

I hope he does great,

Moving on…

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«Lumina» : Embracing the darkness in theaters on July 12th!

Are we alone in the universe? Are our nightmares a product of our imagination? What if they are suppressed memories of something sinister and maybe, even out of this world? These and more are the questions that poses “Lumina”, a new sci-fi/horror film coming to theaters on Friday July 12th, directed by Gino McKoy.

Before I put on my tinfoil hat and star ranting, let me go through the numbers and tell you the main plot.

“Lumina” in a nutshell tells the story of Alex, a young millionaire that throws a lavish party, where much to the dismay of his new girlfriend Tatiana, among the guests will be Delilah, an old friend of Alex that also happens to be a previous girlfriend. Tatiana (and pretty much everyone besides Alex) can tell that the “Good ol’ Ex” still wants a shot of getting back with him, but Alex insists that Tatiana is insecure and imagining things. (yeah, good luck with that, buddy!). For some reason Tatiana has no problem with Patricia, another girl that is living with Alex as a roommate… because.. Is lonely being in that mansion, I guess?


The party goes well, and nobody ends up trowing her drink at another in a lover’s quarrel (which cost me a bet of $5), but when Tatiana decides to go for a night swim at the pool, some strange lights appear in the sky. Patricia and Delilah (who was at that moment badmouthing Alex’s new girlfriend) were in the living room, and both horrified see how Tatiana disappears in the middle of flashes and explosions.

(I’m not gonna lie, that scene was very cool)

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Filme, Tinta Y Sangre #91- Maxxxine, Lumina, Kill (2024) y Más (Podcast)

Y esta noche hablamos de la parte final (?) de la trilogia de el director Ty West «MaXXXine» donde la titular actriz del cine de adultos sigue haciendo su luchita por llegar a la fama, al mismo tiempo que se dan una serie de homicidios en las calles de Los Angeles que podrian o no, estar relacionados con ella.

Segumos con «Lumina», un filme de ciencia ficcion/horror donde un grupo de amigos buscan a la novia de uno de ellos, que desapareció después de que aparecieran unas misteriosas luces en el cielo. Y esta busqueda los va a poner en la mira de ciertas fuerzas que no les gustan cuando la gente sabe demasiado de lo que no deben de saber.

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Filme, Tinta Y Sangre #91- Maxxxine, Lumina, Kill (2024) y Más (Video)

Y esta noche hablamos de la parte final (?) de la trilogia de el director Ty West «MaXXXine» donde la titular actriz del cine de adultos sigue haciendo su luchita por llegar a la fama, al mismo tiempo que se dan una serie de homicidios en las calles de Los Angeles que podrian o no, estar relacionados con ella.

Segumos con «Lumina», un filme de ciencia ficcion/horror donde un grupo de amigos buscan a la novia de uno de ellos, que desapareció después de que aparecieran unas misteriosas luces en el cielo. Y esta busqueda los va a poner en la mira de ciertas fuerzas que no les gustan cuando la gente sabe demasiado de lo que no deben de saber.

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FTS #90- 11 Filmes Que Queremos Ver SI o SI, de Fantasia 2024! (podcast)

En esta trasmisión especial y express, hablamos de 11 Filmes que queremos ver SI o SI de Fantasia 2024.

Este es un genial festival de cine internacional que se llevará a cabo e Montereal, Quebec del 18 de Julio al 4 de Agosto.

Y tendremos la oportunidad de cubrir algunos de los filmes que se exhibirán ahi!!

Lleguenle sin miedo!

El podcast también está disponible en Ivoox, Spotify, Apple podcast, Google Podcast y más lugares escabrosos, lleguenle sin miedo!

Como siempre, esperamos que este episodio les guste, y de paso les dejamos las vías de contagio:

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FTS #90- 11 Filmes Que Queremos Ver SI o SI, de Fantasia 2024! (Video)

En esta trasmisión especial y express, hablamos de 11 Filmes que queremos ver SI o SI de Fantasia 2024.

Este es un genial festival de cine internacional que se llevará a cabo e Montereal, Quebec del 18 de Julio al 4 de Agosto.

Y tendremos la oportunidad de cubrir algunos de los filmes que se exhibirán ahi!!

Lleguenle sin miedo!

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Filme, Tinta Y Sangre #89- A Quiet Place Day One, Pierrot Man , The Shadow Out Of Time y Mas (podcast)

 Esta noche con unos estremecientes problemas técnicos que nos dejaron navegando a ciegas por mas de medio programa, hablaremos de «A Quiet Place: Day One» , una precuela que nadie pidió de DOS filmes muy buenos.

Y de paso… Hablamos de DOS mangas de terror!!

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Filme, Tinta Y Sangre #89- A Quiet Place Day One, Pierrot Man , The Shadow Out Of Time y Mas (Video)

Esta noche con uno estremecientes problemas técnicos que nos dejaron navegando a ciegas por mas de medio programa, hablaremos de «A Quiet Place: Day One» , una precuela que nadie pidió de DOS filmes muy buenos.

Y de paso… Hablamos de DOS mangas de terror!!

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«Cold Blows The Wind» When karma comes to collect!

When karma comes to collect, do not pretend to not know what you owe, or that you had the chance to change the course to do the right thing. This is a lesson taught in the new film directed by Eric Williford, which gets released on VOD on July 2nd.

A part of growing up is understanding that anybody can have a bad or even a horrible day for no apparent reason. Also that your birthday does not have any magic spell that can prevent any tragedies from happening, because at the end of the day, your birthday is just special to you (and sometimes not even that). This is something that our main character Tasha comes to conclude in a night that hands down gets the prize for “Worst birthday ever”

You see, when Tasha and her husband were driving back from celebrating that she was still around in this mortal plane for another year, they came across one of those weird people who like to jog at night to improve their health, and accidentally Tasha hits him with the car, turning him into a corpse.

The couple, obviously being afraid of the consequences of this involuntary manslaughter, decided to take the body to their property outside of the city and bury it in the woods nearby to erase all evidence of their crime.

With hesitations and taking a lot of precautions so they cannot be seen, the couple builds up the courage to go through with the plan. However, they receive the biggest scare of their life (actually, the first of many on that night) when they discover that the person in their trunk is still alive. The jogger, understandably confused and in very bad shape, starts asking for help when they realize the situation they’re in. Continue reading

«Cold Blows The Wind» Cuando el Karma viene por su pago!

Cuando el karma te venga a cobrar, no finjas no acordarte de lo que has hecho, ni de que tuviste oportunidades de hacer lo correcto. Esta parece ser la lección de “Cold Blows The Wind” el filme dirigido por Eric Williford, que se estrena en VOD el 2 de Julio en Estados unidos.

Parte de el proceso de crecer, es entender que a todos nos tocan días malos, incluso terribles, sin ninguna razón. Y que el día de tu cumpleaños no tiene ninguna magia que impide las desgracias, por que al final de todo, el día de tu cumpleaños solo es especial para ti, y a veces ni eso. A la pobre de Tasha, esa lección le llega dura y a la cabeza, en una noche que se puede nombrar “El peor cumpleaños EVER”

Verán, en una noche en que ella y su marido Dean deciden celebrar que le ha dado una vuelta mas al sol como se dice, al regresar a casa a Tasha se le atraviesa uno de esos enfermos que les gusta salir a correr a las calles para mejorar su salud, y por accidente, Tasha termina atropellándolo convirtiéndolo en difunto.

El matrimonio, obviamente temerosos de las consecuencias de haber cometido un homicidio involuntario, decide llevarse el cadáver a una casa que tienen en el bosque, y en las profundidades del mismo, enterrarlo para que no quede evidencia de su crimen.

Con muchas dudas y tomando muchas precauciones para no ser vistos, la pareja decide llevar a cabo su plan, pero se pegan el susto de su vida (pero apenas el primero de esa noche) cuando descubren que el Trotador en la cajuela de su auto aun sigue con vida y aunque está algo aturdido, empieza a pedir ayuda al darse cuenta de su predicamento.

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