Finding herself flooded with medical bills due to her mother’s illness, Jenny accepts a job in a prestigious research company where security and discretion are their top priorities. After passing thru several checkpoints and identity verification, the young woman finds a set of glasses with augmented reality features, and once she wears them she meet the two other persons that will be working with as chaperones for an advanced study experiment.
As they arrive to what it seems to be a simple underground storage facility, Jenny, Tiggs and Darby are welcomed by an advanced artificial intelligence called Arial, and after noticing that without the glasses they would literately be in the dark, the young adults discover that the candidates selected for the experimental program are actually very young kids that thru the special glasses are learning about several difficult subjects and that can even communicate between them without speaking.
After getting used to the isolation, the lack of natural light and the extreme silence from the children, Jenny notice a strange behavior in one of the kids, like if she was trying for some reason to distance herself from the other candidates. After several isolated incidents, Jenny starts to have some hallucinations that could be due fatigue and the strange working environment, or maybe they could be happening because someone has decided to do some changes in the experiment and that the adults are no longer necessary.