From ScreamFest 2024: «Scared Sh1tless»

For most of us, the first day at a new job can be frustrating, maddening, and even scary. Despite those chances, or maybe because of them, Sonny decides to join his father’s business as a plumber, using this also as a chance to beat his phobia to germs, a condition that has controlled his life for quite some time.

What seemed to be a routine call to just unclog a toilet in an apartment building, ends up being a battle for survival against a sadistic creature that was created in a lab for the sole purposes to kill any living being nearby, and it is now roaming the plumbing in the same building that Sonny and his Dad are working.

This is the premise of “Scared Shitless” the new film directed by Vivieno Caldinelli, written by Brandon Cohen, and that just played at ScreamFest 2024, one of my favorites film festivals, and that is taking place from October 8th through October 17th, in Los Angeles California.

Ok, I will start by stating that I personally dislike scatological humor in movies, and therefore I tend to avoid films like the ones from Troma Entertainment for the same reason (I will mention that I really like “Mother’s Day”, although that film has no toilet humor at all). When I heard some very good things regarding “Scared Shitless” from previous festivals, it made me decide to step out of my comfort zone and give it a chance.

And I am glad I did!

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Reto Kosnar V8#13- Desde ScreamFest 2024 – «Scared Sh1tless»

Seguimos con la cobertura de el festival de cine de horror ScreamFest 2024, que se está llevando a cabo en Los Angeles del 8 de Octubre hasta el 17 de Octubre. 

En esta ocasión hablaremos de «Scared Sh1tless», donde un par de plomeros (no de los que venden plomo, sino que arreglan cañerias) atienden una llamada que parecia normal en un edificio de departamentos, pero se acaban enfrentando a una peligrosa criatura que se quiere devorar a todos los residentes.



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Reto Kosnar V8 #10- Desde ScreamFest 2024 – «Test Screening»

Seguimos con la cobertura de el festival de cine de horror ScreamFest 2024, que se está llevando a cabo en Los Angeles del 8 de Octubre hasta el 17 de Octubre. 

En esta occasion hablaremos de «Test Screening» donde en un pueblo de Oregon que va en declive, se da una exhibicón de prueba para un filme misterioso. Esto cambiará para siempre la vida de todos los habitantes, llevandolos a una horrible pesadilla. lleguenle sin miedo!

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Reto Kosnar V8#08- Desde ScreamFest 2024: «ICK»

Y empezamos nuestra cobertura de ScreamFest 2024, uno de los mejores festivales de cine de horrror en Los Angeles y se está llevando a cabo del 8 de Octubre al 17 de Octubre,

Esta noche hablamos de «ICK», donde un maestro de ciencia en un pueblito bicicletero debe de encontrar la manera de acabar con una extraña yerba que amenaza con convertir a toda la poblacion en una especie de zombies.

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From ScreamFest 2024 : «Ick»

Opening this year’s ScreamFest Film Festival, we had the chance to see “Ick”, the new film from Joseph Kahn, a director with a MASSIVE career directing Music Videos, and a very distinct sense of humor. 


In the past, Kahn brought films like “Detention” and “Bodied”, along with a very dark and twisted short film based on the Power Rangers franchise. This time with “Ick”, Kahn tries to bring a PG13 gateway horror Creature Feature to the TikTok generation.


Onto a brief synopsis!


For quite some time, a strange herb has been growing in the small town known as Willow Creek. Affectionately called by the locals as “The Ick”, the herb seems to sprout in just about everywhere, and for some reason, nobody in Willow Creek seems to be bothered by it, nor interested in finding out where it came from. What they care most for, is their Football team, especially its star athlete Hank. 


Hank’s apparently idyllic life as the town’s Golden boy comes to an abrupt end due a weird accident in one of the most important games in his life. In just a few weeks, he loses his scholarship, his girlfriend, job opportunities and pretty much, the control of his life, falling into depression and alcohol, until he finds a new purpose, teaching science in the same high school he used to attend. 


After several decades being dormant, The Ick starts to show a strange behavior and even a mind of its own, managing to infect and control some of the residents of Willow Creek as Zombies, starting a hostile takeover little by little. This will make Hank finally step up from his meaningless existence and fight to save not only his town, but also the girl that could be the daughter he never knew he had.

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