Now on VOD: «eVil Sublet» ; What is wrong with some haunting if the rent is cheap?

When you were a child, surely every time you saw a horror movie about a haunted house, you asked yourself “Why don’t they just move out?”, and chances are, now that you are an adult paying the rent you know the answer… “Because we can’t afford to rent anywhere else”. This sad truth is part of the premise of “Evil Sublet” the new horror-comedy film written and directed by Allan Piper, and that will be released on VOD on October 1st.

Here is the Official Synopsis:

“Alex and Ben find their dream apartment in New York’s East Village (AKA the eVil). Who cares if it’s cursed if the rent is cheap and it’s got an eat-in kitchen, right?

But when the bad roommate situation of living with murderous ghosts becomes too much for them, they must enlist the help of friends to escape the evil of their sublet.”

I really liked this film, A LOT. It has a lot of humor and very nice running gags that made me chuckle and even laugh aloud several times. It managed to stay balanced between comedy and horror, although it does stays a little bit more with the humor than the scares. I am not complaining, because when the movie wants to be scary, IT BECOMES SCARY. This is something we can understand from the very opening scene, that got me hooked, by the way.

Now, let me give an idea of what to expect with “Evil Sublet”.

You know that moment in some comedy films, when a joke does not land and the film drags it for too long or the joke is repeated again and again in the movie, but still is not funny? Well, this film has EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE: It has several good jokes and gags that are very subtle and go by very fast, almost a “blink and you miss it” kinda thing.

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Disponible on VOD: «eVil Sublet», No te fijes que si esta embrujada, La renta esta barata!

Cuando eras niño, seguramente al ver una película de terror sobre casas embrujadas te preguntabas “¿y porque no simplemente se mudan?”, y es posible que ahora que eres un adulto responsable que paga su renta sabes la respuesta “Porque no te alcanza para rentar en otro lado!”. Esta triste realidad es parte de la premisa de “Evil Sublet”, el nuevo filme de horror-comedia escrito y dirigido por Allan Piper, y que estará disponible para renta digital en Estados Unidos a partir del 1ero de Octubre.

Esta es la Sinopsis Oficial:

“Alex y Ben encuentran su departamento soñado en la parte llamada East Village de New York (Conocida también como the eVil). ¿Que importa si está maldito si la renta es barata y tiene su propio comedor en la cocina, cierto?

Pero cuando la situación de estar compartiendo la vivienda con unos fantasmas homicidas se vuelve demasiado para ellos, tendrán que pedir la ayuda de sus amigos para poder escapar a la maldad de este departamento”.

Este filme me gustó, MUCHO, la verdad. Tiene mucho humor y varias puntadas que me hicieron sonreír, y hasta solté unas carcajadas varias veces. El filme se las ingenió para mantener un balance entre la comedia y el horror, aunque si se inclina mas por el lado de la risa que los sustos. No me quejo, porque también cuando el filme se quiere poner de miedo, SE PONE DE MIEDO. Esto es algo que nos queda claro desde la primera escena, y me atrapó desde ahí.

Ahora, déjenme darles una idea de esperar con “Evil Sublet”

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