«Cold Wallet» : ¿La venganza se cobra con Crypto?

Tratando de romperla y avanzar en la vida con lo que parece una gran oportunidad, Billy invierte todo su dinero en la crypto-moneda llamada “Tulip” y convence a su amigo Dom de hacerlo también.

Al principio todo se ve de maravilla, ya que las acciones de Tulip suben como espuma, pero al día siguiente se da en los medios la noticia de la muerte de Charles Hegel, el creador de Tulip, y las acciones se desploman, ya que también se da a conocer que solo Hegel tenia acceso a los fondos de la crypto moneda. Esto deja a Billy, Dom y a miles de usuarios en la ruina de un día para otro.

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«Cold Wallet» : Does Revenge takes Crypto? (In Theaters and VOD on 2/28/25)

Looking to hit it big on what seemed a great opportunity, Billy invests all his money on the new crypto-currency called “Tulip” and convinces his friend Dom to do the same.

At first everything seems great as Tulip’s stocks rises to the (virtual) skies, but the next morning the tv news reports the death of Charles Hegel, Tulip’s creator, and the stocks plummet, as its also revealed that only Hegel had access to the crypto-currency funds. This leaves Billy, Dom and thousands of other users totally broke overnight.

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«Smile 2» : When sequels actually are better than the original.

The sanity of pop star Skye Riley seems to slip through her fingers after witnessing the suicide of an acquaintance. 

Ever since that horrible event, Skye starts to see several persons showing a scary wicked smile approaching her with dark intentions only to disappear, making her question her ability to distinguish what is real and what is not. Unbeknownst to her, she has become the new target of a supernatural entity that will torment her until she loses her mind and perishes.

Writer/director of “Smile 2” brings the next chapter in this universe that started with the short film “Laura Hasn’t Slept” and evolved to the full feature “Smile” back in 2022.

After the events at the conclusion of the first film, we see Joel, a policeman now infected with the curse of the Smile Entity, breaking into the house of some drug dealers with intentions of dying and passing the curse to them. However, some unforeseen details spoils the plan, and someone else ends up with the curse.

Some time later and due some very interesting circumstances, pop star Skye Riley ends up meeting with Lewis, a friend that can get her the pain medication that she is unable to get, and who turns out is the one that inherited Joel’s curse. This will be the beginning of Skye’s descent to hell.

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