Desde Fantasia 2024: «Brave Citizen»

El problema del bullying en las escuelas es algo en lo que los estudiantes de todo el mundo pueden empatizar, así que no es sorpresa para nadie que el tema se ha abordado mucho en libros, filmes y series, y que es genial cuando en las historias las victimas logran un tipo de venganza o justicia.

Lo que separa a “Brave Citizen” de otras obras es que logra presentar la crudeza del bullying escolar (incluso en la calle) balanceado con un poco de comedia sin quitarle la seriedad al problema, y sin caer en extremos de violencia gráfica solo por darnos una sensación de satisfacción pasajera. (como es más común en filmes de terror). Y gracias a Fantasia 2024, tuvimos la oportunidad de verla.

En el nuevo filme del director Park Jin-pyo “Brave Citizen”, que está basado en el Webtoon creado por Kim Junghyun, conocemos a So Su-min, una maestra con contrato temporal en un prestigioso colegio con esperanzas de ganarse una plaza permanente. Por desgracia, la fama de que en ese colegio se goza de un ambiente seguro y respetuoso para todos los alumnos es solo una mentira muy bien escondida y la joven maestra tendrá que decidir entre fingir ignorancia ante los tremendos actos de violencia de un alumno muy sádico llamado Han Su-Kang, o denunciarlo y poner no solo su carrera en riesgo, sino también su vida.

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From Fantasia 2024: “Brave Citizen”

The problem with bullying in schools is something that students in several countries can relate to, so it is no wonder that it has been a theme for a lot of films, series, and books, and is great to see the stories where the victims of the abuse manage to get justice or even revenge from the tormentors.

What makes “Brave Citizen” stand out from other works is that it manages to present the bullying problem in schools (and in the streets, even) in its raw, horrible form while balancing the story with some comedy, but it never takes away the seriousness of the issue. The film also never falls into extreme graphic violence when the tables are turned just to give us some moments of unhealthy satisfaction (which is something more common in horror movies), and thanks to Fantasia 2024, we got a chance to see it!

In the new film from director Park Jin-pyo, “Brave Citizen” based on the Webtoon created by Kim Junghyun, we meet So Su-Min, a temporary teacher who hopes to get a full position in a very prestigious college. Sadly, the safe and respectful environment that the college loves to boast about in the media is nothing but a concealed lie, and the young teacher will soon have to choose between turning a blind eye to the very violent acts committed by Han Su-Kan toward some of the students, or report him to the authorities and put in risk not only her teaching career but also her life.

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