From Screamfest 2024: «Carved»

The people of Cedar Creek, a small community in Maine who are trying to move on after an ecological disaster that occurred a few years ago, are celebrating a Halloween festival. But as soon as they start a pumpkin carving contest, they discover that they have to deal with a very violent (and very resourceful) mutant pumpkin that came to life and is seeking revenge against the humans that have destroyed several of its kind.

This is the premise for “Carved”, a film directed by Justin Harding that we had a chance to see at Screamfest 2024, and will be available to stream on Hulu on October 21.

Set in 1993, this horror-comedy opens with a very strong scene, and quickly lets us know that this is not a family film. There is gore, and a lot of blood, and after a few minutes we get thrown back a few hours earlier in the day, so we get a better idea of how this massacre got to take place.

The movie has very nice characters, and the acting was good. Of course there are characters that I enjoyed more than others, and sadly some do not stay for long on the screen.

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Reto Kosnar V8 #19- Desde ScreamFest 2024 – Carved (2024)

Seguimos con la cobertura de el festival de cine de horror ScreamFest 2024, que se está llevando a cabo en Los Angeles del 8 de Octubre hasta el 17 de Octubre. 

Hoy hablamos de «Carved» un filme donde los habitantes de un pueblito que apenas va superando una desgracia ecologica que les causo perdidas humanas y materiales, se tendran que enfrentar ahora a una calabaza mutante viviente, conciente, muy sádica e inteligente.

Tambien se podrá ver en Hulu el 21 de Octubre. Lleguenle sin miedo!

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