Continuing our coverage of the shorts films shown on the Berlin Final Girls Festival, (which is running from June 9th to 11th), we will talk now about two more blocks, you can see the previous covered blocks here.
Again a minor disclaimer: Please note that there were some blocks and titles that we could not cover due time restrictions, and in no way it means that the shorts not mentioned are bad or anything like that, they could be very good, so take a chance and seek them out. Also, while I will try to bring your attention to the short films and do them justice with the synopsis, I will keep it spoiler-free.
From the block “Sweet Revenge”
Rites of Vengeance (dir. Izzy Lee, US, 2017)

The house of the Lord can’t keep a bad man safe from someone determined to right the wrongs.
I am sure that there could be some controversy and division in the audiences due the main theme, but I would focus more on the way the story is delivered, there is no almost dialogue, and in this case, there is no need for it.
La Corriente de las Agujas (dir. Lucía Pérez, Uruguay, 2016)

A man and his new girlfriend try real hard to get the ex-wife to sign the last divorce papers. While smiles and anecdotes are shared for hours, old resentments resurface and they will turn the visit from awkward to violent.
The moral of the story: Just send the lawyers to get the signature! The acting was good, specially from the lady portraying the ex-wife, but the last scenes might turn some people off…
Consommé (dir. Catherine Fordham, US, 2016)

A girl walks alone at night, there is a dangerous stalker on the street… Somebody is going to end up hurt.
I was satisfied with the story, there is almost no dialogue and it pulls no punches. Why say more when you can see it for yourself?
From the block “Dying with Laughter”
A Tricky Treat (dir. Patricia Chica, Canada/US, 2015)

A family enjoys some quality time in the night of Halloween, following one of the oldest traditions…
This short is one of my favorites EVER, this one has run the festivals for quite some time, and is the one that made me discover Patricia Chica’s awesome work. This short is fast and creepy. Very good special effects. Can’t say more without spoiling the best part.
ShortCut (Dir. Prano Bailey-Bond UK, 2016 )
Driving with her sleeping girlfriend after a party, a man indulging on the sins of driving while drinking and texting, decides to ditch the GPS and explore a shortcut… Have we learned nothing from horror movies?
This is one of the shorts that pays very well if you are patient, the special effects used here are very good, and I am sure that although we can hate the guy (As clearly is the intention) we will cringe and pity him later on….Or maybe not!
Murder Springs: Chapter One (dir. Adam van Dyke, produced by Margarita Hernandez, Natasha Ramos, and Sam van Dyke, US, 2016)

An old couple driving on a lonely road and with clear issues on their intimacy, get involved on a serious accident that will change their world forever.
I loved this one! Is shot in the style of the old grindhouse films, the humor is a little bit dark, and at the same time, manages to tingle your romantic, more tender side.
Munchies (dir. Sinead Stoddart, UK, 2016)

When hunger strikes, you can’t seem to do anything right! After several kitchen accidents and finding himself without any flesh in the house to eat, a nice little zombie starts to explore his options.
This short is a very funny film, made in stop animation style, and it has a character design that strikes you both as funny and gross. You just can’t help feeling sorry for the main protagonist.
Beautiful Eyes (dir. Rani Deighe Crowe, US, 2012)
A disturbed young girl used to creep everybody near her, finds her match in one of the most unlikely places: A beauty salon.
This one left me a little bit confused, nevertheless I was entertained with the execution. Filmed completely in black and white, and with some images that are indeed disturbing.
Stay tuned for more thoughts on the shorts from the “Final Girls Berlin Film Fest” soon.
From the press release:
Berlin, DE – The 2nd edition of Final Girls Berlin Film Festival will take place in Berlin, Germany from the 9th to the 11th of June, with a program consisting of three feature films, eight curated short blocks, a talk on the “horror hag” sub genre, a workshop on monstrous representations of the “other” in horror, and an art exhibition with five female artists working in horror.
Final Girls Berlin Film Fest showcases horror films that were directed, written, and/or produced by women and non-binary filmmakers.
Festival co-director Sara Neidorf says, “The films we’re presenting relish in various forms of resistance: decimating traditional representations of women in film; blurring bodily boundaries; highlighting the perversions lurking within the nuclear family structure; contorting the conventions of romance; painting bloody portraits of revenge.” Co-director Eli Lewy adds, “The films screening in FGBFF express women’s fantasies and fears in poignant, new ways, showing that horror is fertile ground for feminist filmmaking.”