Looking for her big break in the movie industry, Serena accepts the main role in a Slasher film. At first she has some concerns, thinking how this might affect her curriculum in the future, but after meeting the director and seeing how passionate he is about this project, since it will be his first feature, the young actress gets on board.
As soon as Serena and the rest of the cast arrive at the filming location, they are shocked to see that for the next three weeks they will be disconnected from the rest of the world: No internet, no cell phones and no TV, all this with the intention of avoiding any distractions, since the director, besides being excited for being able to do this film with the crew that he grew up with, wants to make the most authentic, realistic slasher possible.
At first, the shooting process seem to be advancing smoothly, but as the production advances, Serena finds odd that some of her fellow actors are gone as soon as they finish filming their scenes. The producer tells her that in order to save money, the company is sending the actors home immediately when they are no longer needed. While that may seems like a logical explanation, Serena starts to suspect that the production scenes playing on the monitors have very realistic special effects, and ends up discovering that the director and the crew have decided to change the rubber knives for the real thing, literally doing cuts in the cast and getting the more realistic horrified screams in the history of cinema.
Ok, that is all you need to know about «Cut Shoot Kill», now go and watch it.
As in NOW.
Some people might think that I have spoiled the movie, but they would be wrong, as simple as the plot sounds, I’ve described just the tip of the iceberg, and the film have more plot and surprises for those brave enough to see it.
The pacing of the film is good and steady, and even when you can guess the dark intentions on the film crew, the story keeps you entertained, and you can have some fun trying to guess which character will bite the dust next. Although at times the acting can feel exaggerated, it works very well for both the main story, and the film that is being created within.
The special effects, most of them practical, are very good, and I would like to point out that the film has very nice camera work too, I can’t recall any shots done with the dreaded «shaky cam» style, and if there were, they couldn’t be long enough to become annoying.
In conclusion: I really had fun with the film, it has some good kills, is well paced and it has a deeper story that one might think. It never takes itself too seriously, is not a homage to nothing, is not a parody, Is just a goddamn good slasher film, and therefore I highly recommend it.
Verdict 4/5
The film was written and directed by Michael Walker (Chasing Sleep) and the cast consist on the talents of Alexandra Socha (Red Oaks), Alex Hurt, Phil Burke (Hell on Wheels), Henry Zebrowski (Heroes Reborn) and Rebecca Faulkenberry.
«Cut Shoot Kill» will be released on VOD August 8th, via Freestyle Digital Media.
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