«A Dark Song».. A clash of secrets, faith and demons.. available on VOD April 28th.

A Dark SongHow far would you go to get the chance to talk again to a loved one that passed away? That is the question that Sophia, a grieving mother that can’t move on from the loss of her son will have to answer, and thru a black magic ritual taken from the book of Abramelin, with the help of a very cynical occultist, she starts a journey that will test not only her faith, but also her mental and physical endurance.

In “A Dark Song”, the debut film from Liam Gavin, we get a very interesting drama with a touch of horror, skillfully carried by the performances of Catherine Walker (Bitter Sweet, Critical) and Steve Oran (Sightseers) as Sophia and Solomon, who develop a complicated teacher and student relationship, enclosing themselves in a country house for months in order to preform the ritual. As the story unfolds we see the tension rising when it becomes clear that one of them is keeping a secret that can destroy the whole process and put their lives (and souls) and risk.

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«A Dark Song» Una reseña de rituales…. Sin Spoilers.

A Dark Song¿Que tan lejos irías para poder contactar a un ser querido que ha fallecido? Esta es la pregunta que se tendrá que responder Sophia, una madre que sin poder reponerse de la perdida de su hijo, busca la ayuda de un cínico ocultista, y por medio de un rito de magia negra tomado del libro de Abramelin, empieza un viaje que no solo pondrá a prueba su fe, sino también su resistencia física y mental.

En “A Dark Song” el filme debut de Liam Gavin , tenemos un drama interesante con tintes de terror, llevado hábilmente por las actuaciones de Catherine Walker y Steve Oram, quienes en sus papeles de Sophia y Solomon respectivamente, desarrollan una complicada relación de maestro y estudiante al encerrarse en una casa de campo para hacer el rito, y que conforme avanza la trama, se volverá mas tensa al haber sospechas de que uno de los dos no esta siendo totalmente honesto con sus intenciones.

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